Matthias Held
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
Prof. Matthias Held studied product design at Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd (HfG). After working as a design consultant for the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), including in Africa, he attained a master’s degree as a Fulbright Scholar at the Pratt Institute in New York. Prof. Held was a co-founder of the quintessence design studio in Stuttgart, which focuses on product design, exhibitions and transmedia design. In 2006, he was appointed professor at HfG. There, he made a contribution to the establishment of the Institute for Applied Research and headed research projects in the field of sustainability, energy, medical technology and tangible interaction. He served as Prorector for Research from 2009 until 2015. Prof. Matthias Held is the deputy chairman of the German Society for Design Theory and Research (DGTF).