Martin Müller
Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, HU Berlin
Martin Müller is a Research Associate at the Cluster »Matters of Activity. Image Space Material« at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Since 2015 he has been researching and teaching at the Institute of Cultural History and Theory at Humboldt. He is also a scientific advisor of the research project »Cycles of Circulation« at the Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) in Basel. Recently he co-curated the exhibition »Hypertopia« at State Studio Gallery in Berlin (2020).
Research interests: Theory of synthetic biology and genome editing, history of bio- and zoëpolitics, genealogies of the anthropo- and technocene, theory of the postmetabolic. He was a Visiting Scholar at Waseda University in Tokyo (2019), Universidad de Buenos Aires (2017), Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2013), Columbia University in New York City (2012).
Recent publications: »Nach dem metabolischen Bruch«, in: Texte zur Kunst, 110, 2018; »Zoë als Téchne. Zum Paradox möglicher Menschen in der synthetischen Biologie«, in: Antonio Lucci et al. (Hg.): Potential regieren, 2018; »Neues aus dem Menschenpark«, in: F.A.Z., Nr. 211, 11.09.2019, p. N4; »Nach CRISPR. Zur dritten Proliferation der Biopolitik (1800/1943/2004)«, in: Rebekka Ladewig/Angelika Seppi (Hg.): Milieu Fragmente. Technologische und ästhetische Perspektiven, 2020.